The National Representative

The National Representative coordinates the BEST network and represents all the member local authority chief executives.

Along with Christian Gauffin, she prepares the agendas for meetings in accordance with the network’s values and objectives and build close relationships with all members.

She strives to create a climate of trust enabling the free, open discussion that has been BEST’s trademark since the network was founded.

Anne Jestin
National Representative of the BEST network since December 2023
Chief executive of Métropole de Lyon

BEST is a network of peers who meet to discuss their projects or experiments. Not only is the diversity of territorial dynamics enlightening, but these exchanges are enriched by the contribution, always very stimulating, of researchers or experts, not to mention the “former” City CEOs who provide the youngest with the benefit of their experience. Read the interview.

Contact Anne Jestin

Former National Representatives

Laurence Quinaut
Chief executive of Rennes Métropole and the City of Rennes.
National Representative of the BEST network between May 2021 and November 2023.

“As CEOs of metropolitan areas, we all face the same challenges, even through the prism of local specificities. Our meetings take us out of the daily life in which we are immersed to gain height, “zoom out”, to identify the common issues on which each of us must work.” Read the interview

Pierre Laplane
Chief Executive of Strasbourg Eurométropole and the city of Strasbourg
National Representative of the BEST network between October 2017 and April 2021.

“For me, a metropolitan area finds its true purpose within networks. But the networks should not be purely institutional. To be effective, they should be built on human relationships and discussion, which requires strong contacts with our peers.” Read the interview


Éric Ardouin
Chief Executive of Bordeaux Métropole and the city of Bordeaux
National Representative of the BEST network from January 2016 to September 2017

“BEST is a place where colleagues can talk freely and openly, focusing on managerial or institutional issues. The informal nature of our network allows this freedom.” Read the interview

Benoît Quignon
Chief Executive of Lyon Métropole and the city of Lyon
National Representative of the BEST network from December 2014 to December 2015

“Hearing about the experiences of our European guest participants helps us think beyond the French institutional framework. It is always enlightening to see how other countries, facing similar issues, take a very different approach.” Read the interview

Bertrand Uguen
Chief Executive of Brest Métropole and of the city of Brest
National Representative of the BEST network from March 2014 to November 2014

Pierre Tonneau
Chief Executive of Grenoble Métropole
National Representative of the BEST network from September 2012 to February 2014

“BEST is unique in the way it brings together local authority chief executives, which makes for very direct, very pertinent dialogue. We benefit from the experience of others on a variety of topics. It is a special time that takes us away from our everyday constraints and demands.”