Click on the + to see the presentations used by our speakers.
Director of the Planning Office Sector of the Municipality of Bologna
Significant aspects of the urban development of Bologna. To regenerate a city of knowledge, inclusive and resilient
General Directorate - U.I. World Heritage Porticoes
The Porticoes of Bologna, a world heritage site
Director General of the Municipality of Bologna and the Metropolitan City of Bologna
Presentation of the organization and governance of the Municipality and Metropolitan City of Bologna
Head of the Programming, Statistics and Internal Control Systems Area
Some figures on the city of Bologna and the Metropolitan City: demographic, social and economic context
Head of the Resources, Programming and Organization Area of the Metropolitan City of Bologna
Characteristics, organization and functions of the metropolitan city and prospects for development
Professor of administrative law at the University of Bologna
The metropolitan city in Italy: genesis and current events of a complex institution
Researcher in administrative law at the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Bologna
Metropolis in France and metropolitan city in Italy: a comparative analysis
Former Head of the Neighborhoods Area of the Municipality of Bologna
The quartieri (districts), their organization, their tasks and responsibilities, shared administration and the third sector pact.
Director of the Santo Stefano District
Presentation of the Santo Stefano District (texte)
Head of the Department of Public Works, Greenery and Mobility of the Municipality of Bologna
Strategies and actions for a new green and sustainable Bologna
Bologne Mission Climat Director and former Director of Urban Planning, Housing, Environment and Heritage of the Municipality of Bologna
Bologna Climate Mission
Specialized Technician PNRR-PUI (NextGenerationEU) - Department of Public Works Greenery and Mobility of the Municipality of Bologna
Ex Scalo Ravone District: Integrated Urban Plans
Head of Economic and Social Development Area of the Metropolitan City of Bologna
BIS : Bologna innovation square
Strategic Projects City of Knowledge and Digital Twin - Department of Culture, Sport and Promotion of the City of Bologna
Bologna digital twin
Director General of the University of Bologna Prof. Maria Letizia GUERRA
Delegate for Public Engagement at the University of BolognaDr. Milena MIRIZZI
Head of the Events Sector of the University of BolognaProf. Emanuele PADOVANI
Management & Accounting, Department of Management of the University of Bologna
Bologna meets the French general managers: comparing organizational models, strategies and objectives.