Activities and support

The network’s activities include meetings between members and guest contributors from national or international institutions, universities, research organizations and companies.

The meetings, one and a half days in length, take place in various cities around France at the invitation of a local authority. Since it was founded in 2012, BEST has met 31 times in 22 different cities.

The 31th meeting took place in Paris in December 2024.

Go to meetings

Topics addressed at meetings

#31A) Flood protection
B) Urban logistics
C) Revitalization of city centres
#30Journey to Italy
#29A) Working time, health and parenting
B) Port and industrial challenges of decarbonization
#28A) Food and agricultural transition
B) Artificial intelligence
#27Immersion in the Swedish model
#26A) Port issues, brownfields rehabilitation and cultural and creative industries
B) Behavioral sciences
#25The city of tomorrow
#24Social and democratic issues of urban development
#23Transition: prospective scenarios and action plans
#22Metropolises and their academic system + Strategic management of human resources
#21New urban players and urban services
#20Long-standing crisis, sudden crisis : how to cope ? (video conference)
#19Covid-19: crisis management and recovery in local  territories
#18The challenges of the energy and ecological transition for territories
#17Brussels, un multi-faceted city-region
#16The making of the city : strategies and managerial challenges
#15Metropolises, territorial cohesion and administrative simplification
#13Urban mobilities
#12Social and region-wide inclusion of vulnerable populations
#10Local governance reforms: dynamics and repercussions
#9Human resources, cooperation and public policy
#8Innovation in the public sector, funding of public investment and administration
#7Large urban areas and regions in Europe: what kind of strategic partnerships can address regional changes?
#6Mergers and reorganization of local authorities: implications for management and social partners
#5Local governance
#4Public-private cooperation to serve local areas
#3The role of executives in large local authorities. Running and monitoring satellite entities. Managing water and sanitation
#2Scenario planning and sustainable cities
#1Public service performance


In 2017, the first meeting was held in a European city outside of France: Barcelona
#11 Seminar / tour on the topic of:
Organization and operation of the city and its satellites

In 2018, BEST went to COLOGNE, invited by the City and its holding Stadtwerke Köln
#14 Seminar / tour on the topic of:
Organisation, operation, achievements and futur challenges

In 2019, BEST went to BRUSSELS, invited by Brussels-Capital Region
#17 Seminar / tour on the topic of:
Organisation, operation, achievements and futur challenges

In 2022, BEST went to BERLIN, invited by the Senate of the Land of Berlin
#24 Seminar / tour on the topic of:
Social and democratic issues of urban development

In 2023, the City of STOCKHOLM hosted a BEST seminar.
#27 Seminar / tour on the topic of:
Immersion in the swedish model

In 2024, BEST was hosted by the Municipality and the Metropolitan City of Bologna.
#30 Seminar / tour on the topic of :
Green and sustainable city, city of knowledge, university

Host local authorities

Support from France urbaine

Since its 12th meeting, BEST has received steady support from France urbaine, the national reference association that federates French metropolitan areas, large combined urban authorities and cities.