Toulouse 2021 > Presentations

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Pierre-Emmanuel REYMUND
Manager in charge of prospective, partnerships, territorial innovation in Toulouse Métropole
Director of territorial economy with France urbaine

Higher education and territories: elements of the setting, issues and perspective
Hilmar von LOJEWSKI
Deputy director general of Deutscher Städtetag

Cities and science in Germany: worlds apart and strong cohesion
Note : the inside is in English
Permanent secretary of the interdepartmental agency Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture (PUCA)

Projects and urban strategies observation platform (POPSU)
Marie-Christine JAILLET
Scientific director of POPSU, research director with the CNRS, vice-president of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University

The POPSU Métropoles program
Jean-François CURCI
Chief executive of Grenoble Alpes Métropole

POPSU Grenoble: the benefits of the POPSU research to public action
Director of the Urbanism Agency of the Grenoble Region

Metropolises and their academic system | The role played by the Urbanism Agency in the relationship between the academic world and local authorities
Emmanuel ROUÈDE
Chief executive of the City of Grenoble

Brief account of Grenoble's candidacy to European Green Capital Award 2022
Manager of human resources of the german city of Bochum

Bochum's ideas for modern strategic HR work
Chief executive of, Brussels-Capital's agency in charge of regional civil service

Brussels-Capital's civil service: uniqueness and challenges
Founding CEO of COREo, former executive human resources and organisation director of the Keolis group

Mobility public services: how to preserve human capital in a sector in the process of radical transformation