A / Port issues, brownfields rehabilitation and cultural and creative industries
Ports, canals, factories… adapting infrastructures to new contemporary challenges.
B /Behavioral sciences
Many unknown biases affect our behaviors, and hence our management style.

The program of this 26th meeting is presented as a mosaic of issues, among which the port issues have been particularly developed. The Seine-North canal project, a major investment of several billion euros, consists of linking the Seine axis to the major ports of Belgium and requires the upgrading of the capacity of the existing canals in the crossing of the Lille metropolis. This invites us to work, in particular, on the prospects for a modal shift from road to waterway, for carbon-free urban logistics, and also on the compatibility of port and urban uses of space. The examples of the ports of Strasbourg and Brussels are very interesting for us.
The visit to Plaine Images, a site of excellence in our metropolis, gave a good overview of the potential offered by the cultural and creative industries. Many French cities are rightly interested in these industries: Lille, but also Paris, Nantes and Montpellier are at the forefront of this field in which France plays a major role on the international scene.
For the part of the program devoted to management, we thought it would be useful to share with our Chief Executive colleagues some of the reflections of the MEL’s human resources department, in order to deconstruct our prejudices but also to understand our reasoning bias. We have found that cognitive sciences have a lot to offer us to make us more efficient.
Finally, I would like to testify that the people from the MEL who prepared this meeting did so with great care and pride, taking care of every detail to welcome the participants in the best conditions. I would like to thank them all warmly.
Marc PONS DE VINCENT, Chief Executive of Lille European Metropolis
Introduction : the Lille metropolis
Welcome and presentation of the program of the meeting.
> Marc PONS DE VINCENT, Chief Executive of Lille European Metropolis.
Territorial dynamics and the interplay of actors
> Étienne PEYRAT, Senior Vice-President of the University of Lille and lecturer at Sciences Po Lille.
A multipolar and unique metropolis
> Didier DECOUPIGNY, Director General of the Lille Metropolis Development and Urban Planning Agency.
Port issues
From the world maritime trade in goods to urban logistics, including seaports, waterways and river ports in urban areas
The determinants of port development, from global to local
> César DUCRUET, geographer, research director at the CNRS and the Economix research laboratory.
Waterways, a resilient infrastructure at the service of the ecological transition and of the sustainable development of cities and territories
> Thierry GUIMBAUD, Director General of Voies Navigables de France (VNF).
The port of Brussels: what strategy to face the new challenges?
> Gert VAN DER EEKEN, Director General of the port of Brussels.
Strasbourg, port metropolis and metropolitan port
> Claire MERLIN, Director General of the Autonomous Port of Strasbourg.
Transformation of former industrial estates
The Roubaix-Tourcoing ZAC de l’Union
Guided tour by bus.
> Giuseppe LO MONACO, Deputy General Manager of SEM Ville Renouvelée.
Plaine Images, incubator for cultural and creative industries
> Emmanuel DELAMARRE, Director of Plaine Images.
> Ludovic GROUSSET, Deputy Director General in charge of economic development and employment at the MEL.
> Matthieu RICHEZ, President and CEO as well as creative director of Ihstar Games.
> Alexandre PAGOT, director of the Lille campus of the digital arts school ARTFX.
> Delphine Jenart, project manager for partnerships and public relations for Technocité in Mons, Belgium.
Behavioral sciences and management
Application to local and regional authorities
> Nicolas FIEULAINE, researcher in social psychology at the University of Lyon and at the Public Innovation Chair of the INSP.
Participatory workshops
> Holwenn ANIER, Sustainable Innovation Project Manager.
> Romain PUPIER, Head of Internal and Managerial Culture.
Both are part of the Human Resources, Innovation & Dialogues Department of the MEL, directed by Doriane HUART.
On the side
Exhibition DON’T SKIP – Generics
As part of the inauguration of the festival village at the Séries Mania festival.
> Marianne GUILLON, General Secretary of Série Mania.
Pool Museum
The former art deco municipal swimming pool in Roubaix became a museum of art and industry in 2001.
> Bruno GAUDICHON, chief curator and director of La Piscine.
Birthplace of Charles de Gaulle
Guided tour.
> Welcome by Benjamin HUS, Chief Executive of the Nord County Council.